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Winter Yoga Teacher Training

Yes, it is that time of year again where we are gearing up for our winter 8 weekends 200-hour yoga training to begin January 2025 and complete April 2025.

You can work up to 500$ off your tuition on work trade. Work trade can be as simple as posting for us on socail media, to light cleaning around the studio.

If any of you yogis are thinking about Yoga training now is the perfect time to register, we are still accepting applications, however, we do limit the training to a maximum of 12 students. Yoga training can help deepen your practice, give you confidence on and off the mat and be a life changing experience. It is for anyone who wants to learn more about the history, discover how yoga, as we know it today, came to the US while studying ourselves thru an amazing breathing system called Ashtanga yoga. As well as learning traditional Ashtanga yoga you will also get experience in Bottle Rocket sequencing which is a beginners approach to teaching Rocket Yoga sequencing, developed by Larry Schultz. 

1.Observing 8 classes - must be logged and documented with notes
2.Leading A’s and B’s to a real class
3.Signing up to lead Standing poses
4.Teaching the complete Modified Primary 34 poses (this may be done in our training group where I will watch you teach each other)
5.Study Yamas and Niyamas  Revisit your journal and rewrite what is your favorite yama and why and same for niyama; we will read these out loud!!
6. Maintain a 6 day per week practice ( some of these practices are done as a group some are done on your own and others can be practiced at regular practice times)

1. A smile
2. Journal for yoga and a Notebook for Homework 

3. Pen
4. a pack of 3×5 index cards
5. yoga mat
6. water and snacks
7. 3 ring binder

Please call me @ 513 542-9642 or email me direct This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested

Amber Gean

Often people walk into It’s Yoga with worry, stress and tiredness written all over their faces but when they leave, they show the effects of Ashtanga Yoga: they feel better and look better, lighter, freer, more relaxed and energized. This is why to me, teaching Ashtanga Yoga is a kind of self-realization; every time I lead class I, as a teacher, grow and express the insights of my own yoga. I see people take in the practice from various angles and develop, change and transcend their limitations, realize their possibilities.

In Memoriam: Larry Schultz, YogaDragonden (1950-2011)