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Cincinnati Yoga Teacher Training • Rocket Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training

Become a 200 RYT instructor
Amber offers over 24 years experience leading yoga trainings
January 2025 - April 2025 take your training in person or online over 8 weekends


email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with inquires

LEVEL 1  200 hours will get you teaching basic Ashtanga and Rocket  Offered in 8 weekends or a 1-month intensive, LEVEL 1 is designed for beginners who want to learn the history and foundations of yoga, with a focus on Ashtanga and Larry Schultz's Rocket. You will learn how to instruct the Modified Primary Series (MPS), which consists of 34 poses plus finishing series. Our teacher training program is designed to awaken your voice, give you a strong home practice and help you to feel confident about leading your own classes.You will also learn alignment and philosophy, the art of modifications and how the practice can be safely adapted for all levels and body types. You will have the opportunity to assist in real yoga classes at our studio plus you can enjoy unlimited yoga at Yoga ah during training.

Yoga ah training can be a very magical time—all you have to do is begin! You'll receive a 200-hour certificate upon graduation, allowing you to register with Yoga Alliance. Questions? email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 513.542.9642

Included with Yoga ah 200-hour LEVEL 1 is a training workbook,  Rocket Yoga retreat day (location TBA), opportunity to instruct at a real studio and participate in the lineage of Krishnamacharya.


Basic Anatomy, Alignment and Modifications of over 34 poses

• 5 Routines from the Yoga ah system
• Primary Series
• Modified Primary
• Bottle Rocket 1 and 2
• Rocket Sequencing 1,2,3
You will focus on teaching Modified Primary and Bottle Rocket; these routines can be modified and adapted for many levels of students


• Yoga Sutras
• Eight limbs
• Krishnamacharya
• Pattabi Jois
• Mysore Palace
• Yoga as medicine
• Larry Schultz – American yoga instructor

The Principles of Yoga: Ujjayi Breath, Bandhas & Drishtis

• Ujjayi breath and exercises
• Mantra
• Bandhas
• Mula bandha
• Uddiyana Bandha
• Jalandara Bandha
• Prana
• Nadis
• Nine Drishtis

The Art of Sun-Salutes

• Surya Namaskara A and B
• Modifications
• Benefits
• Hands and Feet
• Intro to scripting

Standing Poses

• Standing Poses of Primary Series sequencing
• Bottle Rocket standing sequencing
• Modifications
• Benefits
• Scripting

Finding Your Voice

• Inner Teacher vs. Inner Guru
• Three Verbal Adjustments
• Speaking out loud
• How to set up a room and create a mood

Seated Poses

• Primary Series
• Modified Primary
• Bottle Rocket
• Benefits
• Seated vinyasa
• Introduction to inversions

The Science of Sequencing

• Poses and counter poses (pratikriya)
• Modifications and hands-on adjustments
• Look at different routines
• How to put together a class

The Business of Yoga

• Marketing tips
• Where and who to instruct
• Creating

Apprentice and work trade is available.

After you have completed a LEVEL 1 Ashtanga 200-hour training, you can continue your education in the Rocket system with LEVEL 2. Rocket trainings are very specialized and only a few studios in the world are allowed to facilitate these trainings. They will give you a better understanding of more sequences and transitions. You will experience cross-training and strength-training to help you feel more confident in inversions and you will learn the 'Larry Schultz Philosophy' of why the Rocket works for beginners as well as advanced students. By the end of five days you will feel more strong and confident as a yoga instructor.

Rocket 1 (75 hours), Rocket 2 (75 hours) and Rocket 3 (150 hours) trainings can earn you up to 300 hours in the Rocket system. If Rocket is your passion and you would like to set up your own teacher training, we can also help you do that with our comprehensive LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2 500-hour program.


Rocket 1 and Foundations of Rocket 5 days (50 hours),
Rocket 2 (25 hours)
Rocket 3 (25 hours)
Learn to lead teacher training 

NOW REGISTERING  Virtual Rocket Training at www.rocketyogaacademy.com

40 hours in person rocket training 5 days and Cincinnati OH with Amber Jean
June 28,29,30 and July 1, 2024

- We will review the whole Rocket Schultz System with an extra focus on Bottle Rocket (rocket for beginners) and Rocket 1 transitions and sequencing.
- You will receive a Rocket manual written by Amber Jean-Marie who has studied the Rocket for over 20 years
- deepen your practice of Rocket 2 and 3
- help you guide yogis more safely through the Rocket routines
- You will be able to offer Rocket classes and workshops of what you learn

Yoga ah has been offering Rocket Training since 2011 and has been authorized through Larry Schultz whilst he was still alive.

The time has come to start inviting yogis from all over the world back to my hometown in Cincinnati Ohio! I have been running Yoga ah here for over 14 years as a studio that features the whole Rocket system. Yoga ah has had to scale back a bit since the pandemic but our trainings don't!

Cincinnati is a great weekend destination for yoga! You will be able to find affordable accommodations, great food and of course a beautiful warm environment to practice the Rocket in!

5 Day Investment 850.00 register byJune 3rd and save 75.00
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Physical Components

  • Daily lead practice of Rocket 1, 2 and 3
  • Learn a basic Bottle Rocket for beginners
  • Sanskrit
  • Arm balances
  • Handstands, * elbow stand, *scorpion, *side crow, *crow, eight crooked limbs
  • Backbends
  • Wheel, one leg lifted wheel, camel, head on floor in back bend, kick overs
  • Twists
  • Abdominal strength exercises

Learn Rocket Vinyasa Sequences

  • Bottle Rocket for beginners
  • Rocket 1, 2, 3 for advanced
  • Advanced sequencing around the joints of the body
  • Arm balance transitions, jumping into yoga push up and jumping into poses
  • Improve timing and tempo of practice
  • Strength and cross-training bootcamps
  • Deep stretching
  • Handstand training exercises
  • Learn how to assist/spot handstands, inversions, arm balance and backbends
  • Learn the art of flying
  • Fine tune your Rocket instructing and practice

Mental Components

  • Review of Its Yoga/Yoga ah philosophy developed by Larry Schultz
  • Develop more focus
  • Strengthen mind
  • Mind body journaling
  • Study the Rocket 6 day per week sequences and philosophy

Spiritual Components

  • Practice self study
  • Open the way to become a teacher of teachers
  • Awaken spiritual fire
  • Yoga Sutras
  • Tune up intuition
  • Learning “The System”
  • History of the Rocket
  • 6 day a week practice schedule
  • Larry Schultz Philosophy
  • Pacing and tempo

Learning the Mechanics of Flight

  • weight transfer into the hands
  • floating back and forth in the Sun Salutations
  • jump backs from seated postures
  • inversions and handstands from standing postures
  • arm balances and inversions from seated positions
  • creating fluid movement throughout your practice
  • floating with control vs. ballistics

Keeping a practice log to record hours 

Yoga ah! Teacher Training Mission

Yoga ah has been training yogis the art of instructing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga since we opened in 2007. Our yoga training methods have deep roots in India and honor the lineage of Krishnamacharya, and at the same time meet the demands of a modern lifestyle. We offer practical methods of modifying the practice, making it more accessible to the masses. You will be offered tools for awakening your voice as a teacher as well as creating a home practice. You will also learn safe approaches to alignment and adjusting poses.

Ashtanga Yoga Training is 200 hours. It is an Ashtanga Yoga training you will learn how to teach beginners ashtanga yoga as you develop your practice and philosophy you will be able to instruct more advanced students. It is offered over 8 weekends or the summer intensive which is 28 days.

Rocket Advanced 5 day intensive can lead to becoming a certified Rocket Yoga instructor thru Amber Gean. You will train in Rocket 1, 2 and 3 sequences as well as a beginner sequence called Bottle Rocket so you will be able to instruct all levels of Rocket yogis. We will also give you at home programs to continue your development after training. This Rocket Training is blessed under Larry Schultz's, the creator, before he left his body.

Why Ashtanga Teacher Training at Yoga ah?

  1. Ashtanga Yoga Training is how yoga was taught in India, It has the foundation for Power Yoga, Rocket Yoga and all Vinyasa style.
  2. Our program gives you the tools for home practice, instructing others, option to become a yoga teacher trainer and or open a studio.
  3. Work/study program at Yoga ah can allow you to trade for part of your training, while getting more experience.
  4. You will be able to teach a wide range of students and classes. Some of our graduates go on to teach hatha, hot, vinyasa and even meditation classes.

Amber Espelage is a registered teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals. This accreditation demonstrates excellent standards as set by Yoga Alliance Professionals. Our training school has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance Professionals, demonstrating that our courses are of the highest standard and that our graduates may register with Yoga Alliance Professionals to use their relevant membership level designation, as a sign of quality training.

Often people walk into It’s Yoga with worry, stress and tiredness written all over their faces but when they leave, they show the effects of Ashtanga Yoga: they feel better and look better, lighter, freer, more relaxed and energized. This is why to me, teaching Ashtanga Yoga is a kind of self-realization; every time I lead class I, as a teacher, grow and express the insights of my own yoga. I see people take in the practice from various angles and develop, change and transcend their limitations, realize their possibilities.

In Memoriam: Larry Schultz, YogaDragonden (1950-2011)